We are open during the current lockdown
Following the Government announcement of the third Coronavirus lockdown from 5th January 2021, we are happy to let you know that Keith James Physiotherapy is currently open for business.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists made the following announcement regarding the delivery of physiotherapy:
Healthcare services, including physiotherapy, can continue to operate across the UK following new national lockdown restrictions announced yesterday for England and Scotland
Acupuncture and Podiatry services are also available at this time.
Unfortunately, following advice from relevant professional bodies, we are unable to offer appointments for Massage Therapy during the lockdown period.
We take the safety of our patients and staff very seriously so we will be following all of the procedures in our Coronavirus policy – and asking you to do the same.
Do not come into the clinic if you have symptoms of Coronavirus (or have been in contact with someone who has the virus). Please wear a face covering at all times while you are in the clinic and use the hand sanitiser provided.
If you have any questions about your appointment at Keith James Physiotherapy, give us a call on (0117) 330 6820 or email us at [email protected]. As you can imagine, we are busy dealing with the challenges thrown up by Coronavirus and this latest announcement, so please be patient if your call or query is not answered immediately. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you for your understanding.